Sep 9, 2015

Josephine Foster scenography

 Hi there! I'd like to share with you some pictures of the scenography I did for the concert of american 
singer-songrwriter Josephine Foster this summer in Mallorca island. 
She performed, along with Victor Herrero and Christian Skjonhaug,  her last album "I'm a dreamer", 
rooted in early Americana, and the whole set design was inspired in its songs. 

The concert was at the staircase space of Can Timoner, an ancient town house next to the sea that 
now is a cultural organization. I had the chance to work and construct everything there. I decided I was 
only going to use materials I could find around the rooms and patio of Can Timoner. Old rugs, sheets, 
mattress covers and even old sails to sew the drops and curtains. Blue construction pigment to paint 
the back curtain, dry branches and old cardboards to do the shadow cutting, rusty olive cans and 
some other stuff. 

Before illustration I did some years of scenography, so I enjoyed a lot coming back to it, although 
scenography has always been there in my way of thinking illustrations.